Bespoke Techniques

Here are some techniques that can be implemented with or without hypnosis.

Emotional Granularity Technique
Emotional Granularity Technique
The emotional granularity technique is acceptance, naming and being curious about what a particular emotion is trying to tell us. This technique will guide you to put your feelings into words with high specificity and precision. Low negative emotional granularity has been associated with stronger reactivity to negative effects and higher vulnerability to poor mental health. That means “sad,” "tired," "anxious," or "angry" versus just feeling "bad". This helps us become more emotionally intelligent and better at responding to our emotions.
WaW Technique- Why and What
Why it happened, and what can I do about it? This technique teaches you how to self-regulate and gives you a sense of control to create a new reality. First, ask Why (don't dwell on it too long) and then ask WHAT - what is it trying to teach me? What else can I do to make things better? What should I change? It gives us the reason and motivation to move forward rather than overthinking and recycling old experiences and beliefs, making us more of a victim rather than a doer. We will identify step-by-step goals, put a time frame for a realistic outcome, identify what is standing between you and the goal and establish a reward system.
WaW Technique
Self-Hypnosis Skill Training
Self-Hypnosis Skill Training
Self-hypnosis is proven to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and tension through relaxation and other self-regulation procedures. This will play a significant part in your healing and transformation.
Parts Work Therapy
Parts therapy is a highly effective hypnotic technique to help clients resolve inner conflicts. According to experts, we all have anywhere from five to fifteen various aspects (or parts) of the subconscious that influence us. In other words, we all wear different hats. Parts therapy is a highly effective hypnotic technique to help clients resolve inner conflicts. My role as a hypnotherapist is to work as a “mediator” between your different parts, helping you to find an agreement between them.
Parts Work Therapy

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Returning clients schedule a session here.

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